

Not satisfied with your care provider?

Something can go wrong during the assessment procedure. If you have been treated or supervised negligently or incorrectly in your own judgment, you can submit a complaint.

It is important that you first try to discuss and resolve the complaint together with the psychologist under whose responsibility the assessment took place.

If the objection still remains, the person concerned can send a written objection within 1 month after the assessment. The objection will be dealt with by a member of the management of the Child Assessment Group.

If a participant is of the opinion that he or she has not been treated correctly, he or she can file a complaint against the psychologist under whose responsibility the assessment took place. If this does not lead to a satisfactory outcome, the participant sends a complaint (up to 1 month after the assessment) to the management of the Child Assessment Group.

The management will hear all those involved and will make a decision. If this second step does not lead to a satisfactory outcome for the complaining party, he or she can file a complaint with the Supervisory Board of the Netherlands Institute of Psychologists (NIP). He or she can also complete a complaint form and/or send an email to